Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is an increasingly common problem diagnosed in men of all ages. With a wide variety of causes, many of the treatments involve addressing the symptom rather than treating the underlying problem. Regenerative therapies are becoming recognized as an important component of treatment for this very common problem. Low intensity shock wave therapy (Li-ESWT) is now approved for use in Canada. Centres around the world have provided treatments with varied success. We believe the best chance for success in the treatment of ED with Li-ESWT lies in the hands of our highly trained professionals.

Rationale for Li-ESWT
The current treatment modalities available in the treatment of male erectile dysfunction include, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, intraurethral pellets, intracavernosal injections, Vacuum Erection Devices, as well as penile implant surgery. The current medical treatment modalities all require significant planning and as such may have a negative effect on the spontaneity of sex. Although all of these treatment modalities are effective they do not address the underlying pathophysiology involved in causing erectile dysfunction.
The other concern is the significant side effects some of these medications cause. The revolutionary treatment of Li ESWT utilizes technology that results in neorevascularization which results in improved blood flow to the penis. This technology is considered to be a regenerative treatment for erectile dysfunction. Studies have shown clinically significant improvements in both erectile dysfunction and penile hemodynamics with minimal adverse effects.
Who may benefit from Li ESWT?
- Patients that are looking for longer lasting and rigid erections
- Patients that have suffered significant side effects from other treatments
- Patients looking for a regenerative and potentially curative treatment for erectile dysfunction
- Patient that have failed other treatments for erectile dysfunction
- Erectile dysfunction secondary to diabetes, post prostatectomy, or neurological conditions.
Peyronies Disease
Peyronies Disease is a common condition that afflicts 5-9% of the male population. It tends to develop in men between the ages of 30-60. It should be differentiated between men with congenital penile curvature. Peyronies Disease is defined as penile curvature secondary to scarring of the corpora cavernosum. This condition can result in debilitating deformity of the penis as well as significant penile shortening. The condition often results in serious mental and physical effects. Over the years this condition has been plagued by the lack of viable treatment options.
Our trained professionals have years of experience in both the medical and surgical treatment of this challenging condition. Intralesional injections have been approved in Canada with very good success.

Rezum Water Vapor Therapy
Rezum Water Vapor Therapy is a very beneficial treatment option when medication and non-surgical options aren’t available, helping reduce the symptoms of BPH and having a significant difference in the quality of life for patients.